Myprotein Tanning Tablets
To look good on the outside, it's super-important to nourish your hair and skin from within — our convenient Tanning Tablets are packed full of the right ingredients like zinc and selenium to help you just that.1,2 We've also included the popular ingredients beta carotene, L-tyrosine, and lycopene.
Discover more from our Myvitamins range here.
- Convenient health and beauty supplement
- Copper supports normal skin pigmentation3
- Includes beta carotene, lycopene, and L-tyrosine
Coming in the form of a convenient all-in-one tablet, it contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that’ll help maintain your skin and hair.
Copper supports normal skin pigmentation,3 while the essential minerals selenium and zinc help maintain normal hair and nails2,3 — the perfect choice to help keep you looking great, whatever the day throws at you.
And, the addition of biotin support maintenance of normal skin, while vitamin C helps collagen formation.
1. Zinc contributes to the maintenance of normal skin, hair and nails.
2. Selenium contributes to the maintenance of normal hair, and to the maintenance of normal nails.
3. Copper contributes to normal skin and hair pigmentation.
4. Biotin contributes to the maintenance of normal skin.
5. Vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin.
Sredstva za povećanje zapremine (Kalcijum Karbonat, Mikrokristalna Celuloza), Magnezijum (Magnezijum Oksid), Tirozin, Maltodekstrin, Modifikovani Kukuruzni Skrob, Vitamin C (Askorbinska Kiselina), Sredstva za glaziranje (Hidroksipropil metil celuloza), Sredstva protiv zgrudvavanja (Silicijum Dioksid, Kalijum aluminijum silikat), Vitamin E (DL Alfa Tokoferol Acetat), Pantotenska Kiselina (Kalcijum Pantotenat), Sredstvo za povećanje zapremine (Dikalcijum fosfat), Cink (Cink Sulfat), Gvožđe (Gvožđe Fumarat), Sredstvo za glaziranje (Ukrštena natrijum karboksi metil celuloza), Humektant (Stearinska kiselina, Magnezijum Stearat, Glicerol), Kukuruzni Skrob, Niacin (Nikotinamid), Zaslađivač (Manitol), Tiamin (Tiamin Mononitrat), Vitamin B6 (Piridoksin Hidrohlorid), Likopen, Beta karoten, Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin), Zgušnjivač (Akacija guma), Saharoza, Glukozni sirup, Antioksidanti (Tokoferoli, Natrijum askorbat, Tartarinska kiselina), Mangan (Mangan Sulfat), Boja (Gvožđe Oksid), Bakar (Bakar Sulfat), Trigliceridi, Hrom (Hrom Hlorid), Selen (Natrijum Selenit), Jod (Kalijum Jodid), Folna kiselina, Biotin, Vitamin D (Holekalciferol), Vitamin B12 (Cijanokobalamin)
- Brand: Myprotein
- Volume: 0-100 tableta/kapsula
- Range: Vitamins
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